The Prez Says… Reading and processing world news becomes more and more overwhelming. I empathize with Lily Tomlin when she quips, “No matter how cynical I get, I just can’t keep up.” News reports are filled with fear and anguish, dehumanization, personal tragedy, threats of terrorism, and all manner of vile things. Woody Allen stated, “More than at any time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we’ll have the wisdom to choose correctly.” His sentiment is humorous because we recognize that it contains some truth. Indeed, our news headlines are consistent with what we’ve been told to expect in the last days.
Yet President Hinckley has always, and continues to, paint a hopeful picture about the world. “I see so much good in people everywhere. Wonderful things are happening around the world.” He has observed and commented on the wonders of technology, and he reminds us that living in the last days gives us unique opportunities and blessings as we align ourselves with the righteous. President Hinckley’s optimism and energy instructs us to “be of good cheer for (he) will lead (us) along.” (D&C 61:36; 78:18)
News headlines remind us of the difficulty of our times, but more importantly, President Hinckley reminds us that through repentance and obedience to the Lord we can experience gospel gladness and joy regardless of what the newspaper headlines (or Woody Allen) might say.
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