Sunday, June 17, 2007

Prez Says: Hard Sayings

From the inspired thoughts of our beloved President, Kathy Diehl:

Jesus was in the synagogue in Capernaum when He gave the speech that is known as the Bread of Life discourse (John 6:22-71). He explained that He was not the kind of Messiah the people wanted, that He was not here to free the Jews from Roman domination and oppression. He said that He had to be the kind of Messiah that His Father commanded Him to be. This was a huge disappointment to those who followed Jesus only because they had eaten loaves and fishes and were intrigued by His miraculous powers. They murmured, “This is an hard saying; who can hear it?” (v. 60) and John records, “From that time many...went back, and walked no more with him.” (v. 66)

In each of our lives we are faced with “hard sayings” that present us with decisions to be obedient, true disciples of Christ or to become bogged down and “walk no more with him.” The hard sayings are different for each of us. For some, tithing might be a hard saying. Serving a mission may be a hard saying for some young men or for some older couples. Accepting a calling may be a hard saying for others. Certain chronic problems, disappointments, or trials can be hard sayings. The adversary tempts us to give up, to get discouraged, and he is relentless in his deception that we can’t or won’t progress at mastering our hard sayings. He is the father of all lies, and would like nothing better than for us to “walk no more with (the Savior).”

Whatever your current hard sayings may be, never give up! Pray for insight, help and strength. Jesus Christ is the one and true Bread of Life. We will never regret our efforts to continue to walk with Him.

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