Friday, May 22, 2009

Going Old School

I apologize dear reader(s) for not updating this poor blog for so long. Ever since I became the mother of 4 in November, I have lost track of much of my former life. In view of what appears to be the very limited readership of this blog, even when I was updating it regularly, we have decided to move the weekly RS lesson notes from this electronic format back into good old-fashioned ink on paper. Look for the new "Last Week's Lesson" column in our "Minute From the Second" newsletter. If there is anyone left on the planet to read this message who would like me to also post the "Last Week's Lesson" column here, leave me a comment to let me know. Otherwise, you can consider this blog officially dormant.

Yours Truly,


1 comment:

Shirley said...

Thanks for doing this blog for so long Andrea. I enjoyed reading it every once in a while, but I was not a regular. I know it has taken a lot of time which you do not have now with 4 kids. Much better to spend time there as time will fly by and those little ones will be grown before you know it. Please know that you are appreciated.