Friday, March 16, 2007


My favorite part of church is usually attending Relief Society. I often feel the Spirit's presence most clearly during that last hour. Maybe that is because my children are not with me and I can concentrate. Maybe it is because of the special bond I feel with my sisters. Recently I was thinking about sisters who cannot attend Relief Society for one reason or another. The thought came to me that those of us who attended the lesson could share our thoughts on it with those of us who were unable to be there. This blog can be a place to continue the discussion that was cut short by the bell (and by the primary children banging down the door), and expand it to anyone who wasn't there but wished they could be. I will try to post something each Sunday after church. I hope you will add your comments.

1 comment:

Janie said...

Thanks so much for doing this! It's going to be so nice for all of our RS sisters!