We began class by thinking about the three most important truths of our existence as outlined in this statement by Elder Hales:
"Personal revelation is the way we know for ourselves the most important truths of our existence: the living reality of God, our Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ; the truthfulness of the restored gospel; and God's purpose and direction for us."
Our hope for today' class is that each of us will go home feeling more eager to seek personal revelation.
A pattern for personal revelation is revealed in part in the story Elder Hales tells about reorganizing a Stake Presidency with Elder Marion G. Romney. We discussed this statement by Elder Romney and how we can apply it to our own every day errands: "I have learned that when we are on the Lord's errand, we have His blessings to accomplish whatever we are asked to do." We may not be selecting the next Stake President, but our work is just as important to God.
There is a pattern for receiving revelation in D&C 138: 1-6, 11. Other ideas of things that help us receive revelation?
-fasting...having a chance to turn our attention from the procurement, preparation, clean up of food to more spiritual things
-reading the scriptures with purpose
-having a reason/ purpose/ motivation behind our prayers
-having patience in uncertainty
-striving to replace fear with love
Another story told by Elder Hales in this talk is that of David O. McKay seeking a witness of god as a youth. In spite of his earnest inquiries, the witness he was hoping for "did not come until many years later while serving his mission in Scotland." The answer to our prayers may be "not now--be patient and wait."
Remember the suffering the Savior went through to get to where he is today. Are we expecting to grow without going through our own suffering? We need to be willing to suffer patiently.
Enoch, Abraham & Moses received revelation while seeking the welfare of their people. Elijah received a still small voice. Daniel received guidance in a dream.
The pattern of revelation is centered on the Atonement. Why is that, or how is that so?
-Christ bridges the gap so that we can feel the spirit in spite of our imperfection.
-Christ has suffered all so that he can know exactly how we are feeling
-Christ suffered for each one of us, and knows us personally
-We are told to ask in faith, nothing wavering. Because of the atonement, we can be so bold as to ask god in spite of our shakiness...the atonement allows us to repent of our doubts and to approach god even when our faith is not always equal to the task
Lots of times we don't get the answer to prayer that we are seeking. Problems with depression and/ or anxiety can interfere with our ability to feel good things. Getting treatment for such illnesses can help restore our ability to feel the spirit.
Think about the difference between being handed a feast on a silver platter, and being a hunter-gatherer out foraging for your food. Although we are occasionally handed answers from the Lord in the "silver platter" way, more often we must hunt and gather small bits of information. The hunter-gatherer method takes more time; it forces us to build more muscles; we have to make our own decisions and can't blame god for "making" us do things; we often must take steps without the assurance we were hoping for.
Can you think of a time when you found your answers in this more laborious way? When you've walked to the edge of the light and then had to take a step in the dark? As we struggle for answers, often over a period of years, we discover for ourselves where our true desires lay. Our hearts are revealed to us. We can struggle and struggle for an answer, and then it can come overnight. Or it can come piece by piece.
"Our responsibility is to seek personal revelations for ourselves and for the responsibilities the Lord has given us." It can be so hard when we want another person in our life to change. We can pray for the Lord to guide us in our actions and thoughts toward that person that we love. He will not take their agency from them, but he can help us know how best to use our own agency in reference to them.
Sometimes we receive revelation that we have not even sought. An inspiration will come as a free gift, unbidden, on occasion.
Our willingness to obey whatever the Lord may ask of us helps us receive answers in some instances. Are you really willing and planning to do whatever you are told?
Immersing ourselves in the words of god can really help us sort out our thoughts.
You may try keeping a promptings journal.
We may not understand or "know the meaning of all things" but we can be assured that god loves each of his children.